EVE LBS Studio

Hestiacp – Installation


In this article we will be installing Hestiacp web control panel, the process is outlined below.

  • Download and install the web panel via a generator.
  • Configuring a domain name to point to hestiacp.
  • Name Servers.
  • Port forwarding (you do not need to do this if your using a VPS/DPS provider).

Once you have completed this article we will move on to configuring Hestiacp.

Using the installation generator

Once you have your Ubuntu server setup (more on this step in setting up Ubuntu Server) and updated your ready to install Hestiacp.

We will navigate to https://gabizz.github.io/hestiacp-scriptline-generator/ and select the followig settings.

Picture of generated settings




Server with Less than 2GB ram

Disable apache also the antivirus will not run under 2GB ram, Its recogmended to install with 4GB or higher to gain full functionality.

Installing Hestiacp

Now we need to log into the server via SSH, to do this we are going to use putty like we did when installing the server (see setting up Ubuntu Server).

Once logged in

Type the following command.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hestiacp/hestiacp/release/install/hst-install.sh

This will download the Hestaiacp installation scritp for us.

Next we need to install Hestiacp with the command we where given via the installation generator.

sudo bash hst-install.sh –apache yes –phpfpm yes –multiphp yes –vsftpd no –proftpd yes –named yes –mysql yes –postgresql no –exim yes –dovecot yes –sieve yes –clamav yes –spamassassin yes –iptables yes –fail2ban yes –quota no –api yes –interactive yes –with-debs no –port '8083' –hostname 'DomainName' –email 'email@email.com' –password 'Password' –lang 'en'



Remember to change the Host Name (panel.yourdomainname.com), email address  (Admins email) and password that will be used to log into the web control panel.

Installation can take some time (system dependant) but usually completes within 15 mins.

Once the installation is complete you will be informed on the URL of the Hestiacp Panel, username and password, we are going to use these to log into the system.

Save these to a file on your desktop for later use.

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