EVE LBS Studio

Protect your discord community

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Use our Discord bot to protect your community

Recently we have seen a massive rise in spam and scam’s in various Discord chat servers, with this rise we are in the process of creating some bot’s to protect the communities that we are involved in.


What does this bot do?

We aim to have a number of features as listed below but this is the start of the project so the features will most certainly expand to include more useful features.

  • Checks new members profiles for similarities to existing moderators, admins and other roles that members are in, this is in an attempt to stop people pretending to be official support people on a Discord server.
  • Check DM’s and chat messages for fake support and airdrop messages encouraging people to click given scam links (keywords can be added if needed).
  • Adult word and word variation censorship giving 3 warnings before been banned from the Discord server, you can add bad words to a text file, it automatically creates a pattern to recognise various ways of spelling a word with uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Ban URL’s based on a list that you provide.
  • Send’s a new user a DM with community guidelines and how to recognise scam messages and DM’s.


Features specific to communities we are a part of:

  • Server insights.
  • Services the communities offer statistics.
  • Quick access to user support (custom command’s).
  • Post crypto token price and daily shift twice per day.

and lots more.


To take community safety seriously you need to think about security and protection of your members at all time and continuously evolve your policies and adapt to emerging threats and methods scammers are using.

Getting features that your community requires

To opensource or not?

There is a great need for bot’s in the fight of scammer and spammers for Discord communities and the offenders are upping there game, we are seeing a huge increase of these spammers/scammers on Discord, whilst there are bots out there that provide various services and are similar not every community has the budget to pay for these scripts to protect there communities and we are in two minds to offer the bot for a small fee such as $1 per month to help in development of more bots and other projects to help secure communities or to offer the script for free with no hosting for the bot included.

There are many bots out there that provide similar ways to combat scams and spam the difference is they offer the bots with hosting and an admin panel to manage the bot but this often comes at a costs that most communities can not afford.

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