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Protect your discord community

Use our Discord bot to protect your community Recently we have seen a massive rise in spam and scam’s in various Discord chat servers, with this rise we are in the process of creating some bot’s to protect the communities that we are involved in.   What does this bot do? We aim to have…

Mysterium Network Logo

Passive Income with Mysterium

How to earn a passive income with Mysterium We have a tutorial to show you how easy it is to earn a passive income by running a VPN endpoint with Mysterium, this follows on from our virtualisation series and installs a Mysterium end-node on a virtual machine or container. Mysterium is a decentralised virtual private…

Hestiacp Tutorials

Tutorials for HestiaCP We are introducing a tutorials section in the articles for the Hestiacp web panel. The all in one solution for self hosting. Hestiacp is the all in one solution to your hosting needs if offers the following features. Nginx Web Server PHP-FPM Application Server MariaDB Database Server IPtables Firewall + Fail2Ban Intrusion…