Epic Games enabling hackers

Epic Games enabling hackersLoosing your account is stressful at the best of times but Epic Games wont help you get your account back There is a whole Redit thread on people that loose there accounts and find that Epic Games will not give them back there accounts despite them providing proofs that they are asking…

UK Corruption index falls to all time low

UK Falls in the Corruption Index.

The UK falls on the international corruption index. Since the conservative party took power over a decade ago we have seen scandal after scandal and other related selling off of public services and this has reflected on the international corruption index scale, making the UK more corrupt than Hong Kong and Uruguay, things have to…

UK Corruption index falls to all time low

UK Corruption

UK Corruption It is more than apparent that the level of corruption within the UK has hit an all time high over the last 10-13 years of tory government. I am just going to highlight one of many scandals that have been committed by the current government over the past decade to prove my point.…

Paypal Beware

PayPal Credit Beware!!

What you need to know about PayPal Credit After been a customer of PayPal Credit for several years I have become aware of its pitfall’s and things to be aware of when you sign up for an account. The Good Points It is easy to get a credit limit with them even if its is…